
Signs of Cancer in Children

Early recognition of any disease by identifying its signs not only helps in diagnosis of that disease but also its timely management and cure. Children should be watched for any abnormality regarding their health starting from a slight fever to severe diarrhea because these can be the signs of cancer in children. Diseases such as cancers always have some significant signs which if identified and evaluated on time, can help treat such fatal diseases.

By definition cancer is defined as an abnormal growth of cells. As it is an abnormal growth of cells so it can be stated that the factors affecting this abnormal growth are not part of the normal body mechanisms, and their growth is uncontrollable. Many factors interact together to contribute towards the cause of cancer. These factors involved may be genetic, environmental or particular characteristics of the individual.

One of the basic characteristic feature of cancer cells is that their growth is uncontrolled and it involves the invasion of the surrounding counterpart which is at times quick and during this invasion they cause organ and bony destruction and during all these destructive processes, they weaken the body`s defense mechanism. Human body has a well developed defense mechanism which functions under some regulations. The human immune system (system which combats all types of illnesses and diseases and helps body to get rid of all the foreign harmful agents) is greatly damaged if there is any kind of cancerous growth in the body. The human body`s defense mechanism becomes weak so the cancer patients are more likely to develop other diseases too.

Cancer is rare in children but still it is one of the commonest causes of death. Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in children, so it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms of cancer in children.
There are many types of cancer but those common in childhood are named as:
1. Leukemia
2. Lymphoma
3. Brain cancer
4. Osteosarcoma

A child should be observed for any sudden, persistent changes in health or behavior or any physical change ranging from a small area of rash to a prominent lump anywhere in the body. Following are few signs and symptoms of development of a cancer:

A continued and unexplainable weight loss is always an indication of weakening of body`s defense mechanism. The cause should be ruled out immediately. This is one of the commonest sign of cancer development.

Persistent pain in bones, joints, back, arms or legs is also alarming. There may be increased swelling too.

Headache occurs due to improper blood supply to brain which may be due to any obstruction or some disturbed body mechanism. Persistent headache especially early in the morning, with no apparent cause is a sign of brain cancer. The factors which aggravate the pain and which relief the pain are of importance.

A lump is like an oval or round growth which may be hard or soft, may be painless or painful. If a lump or a mass appears on any part of the body such as abdomen, neck, chest, pelvis or armpits, it should be immediately evaluated by the doctor.

Children which bleed easily and Bruising is bluish discoloration of skin due to accumulation of blood under the skin.

Any abnormality or a mass present in or near the brain may cause compression of the adjacent organs such as eyes and it may also intrude the blood supply to eyes which may cause vision changes. The eyesight changes are gradual or may occur suddenly. Whitish color may appear behind the pupil.

Early morning vomiting and feeling of nausea is an important sign.

Fever of unknown cause which is recurrent and persistent should always be evaluated.

Unusual tiredness and paleness of the body is another sign.

Cancer patients are more likely to get infected as compared to others as their immune system is down.

In general, one should realize the degree of symptoms, how harmful they are, how long they are lasting, and if they are continuing to get worse over time.
One should not think that his child has cancer every time that he has a fever, there may be other infections responsible for it. But if the fever is lasting more than 2 weeks, then a doctor should be immediately consulted.

A pediatric oncologist who is a doctor specialized in treatment of cancer always plans to cater to the needs of a cancer patient child. The treatment of cancer is always dependent on the type, extent level of the cancer and the specific features of the affected cells. Overall health of the child and symptoms of the disease and the age are also to be considered. Cancer treatment in children can include bone marrow transplant, radiation therapy, chemotherapy and may include surgery.

As recently as the 1950s, a diagnosis of cancer was a virtual death sentence for a child. Today, 8 out of 10 children diagnosed with cancer can be successfully treated. A major reason for this success is the early recognition of a developing state of cancer and the agile response of the concerned parents and their pediatrician.

Parents must observe the physical changes in children, because they are difficult to express what happened to them and not even a single minor abnormality should not left unnoticed. A quick diagnosis greatly enhances the chance that the child will survive cancer to live a long life. Always take your children to their scheduled well baby check-ups. Between medical check-ups any unusual signs or symptoms (nausea, swelling, double vision, stumbling, nosebleeds, drowsiness, listlessness, difficulty in breathing, etc.) for which there are no apparent causes should be investigated.

Warning Signs of Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is an uncontrolled growth of breast cells. According to an estimate 13 out of every 100 women, can expect to develop breast cancer in their entire lifetime. Often there are no outward signs of breast cancer that one can see or feel. If there are outward signs, the commonest early signs include a lump, an area of thickening, or a dimple in the breast. Less common signs include breast swelling and redness or an enlarged underarm lymph node.

But even if someone is having one or more of these indicator signs, it doesn't mean that the she is suffering from the bad disease of breast cancer because most of the breast lumps usually are benign which means not cancerous.

The term “breast cancer” refers to a malignant, means cancerous tumor that develops from bad and not ‘regular good cells’ in the breast. Breast cancer has some common and some less common sites where it can have a growth. Most common area includes milk producing glands or ducts. The milk producing ducts are the tunnels for the flow of milk to the nipple areas. The less common area includes the stromal tissues; these tissues are the fatty, fibrous and plumy tissues of the breast of which the breast is made of.

With the passage of time, the cancer cells due to their invasive nature, invade the surrounding normal part of the breast, after which they can also involve the lymph nodes of underarms. Lymph nodes act as small filters that filter out foreign harmful agents in the body. Once the cancer cells have reached the lymph nodes then they enter a path way which leads to other parts of the body. The staging of cancer is done depending on how far the cancer cells have spread beyond the original tumor.
Initially, breast cancer may not cause any symptoms. A lump may be too small to cause any unusual changes one can notice. An x-ray of the breast is called a mammogram. Initially a mammogram is done which leads to further testing.

In some cases, however, the early sign of cancer in breasts is a lump or mass or dimple in the breast area that one can feel by touch. This lump can have uneven edges and can be painless and hard in touch. This type of lump is most likely to be a lump because of cancer. However, sometimes cancers lumps can be soft, and round in shape. So it's important to have anything unusual checked by your doctor.

According to the American Cancer Society, any of the following unusual changes in the breast can be a symptom of breast cancer:
-Swelling of all or part of the breast
-Skin irritation or dimpling
-Breast pain
-Nipple pain or the nipple turning inward
-Redness, roughness, or thickening of the nipple or breast skin
-A nipple discharge other than breast milk
-A lump in the underarm area

It is extremely important that a doctor is immediately consulted if any of such signs are noticed and if you're worried that you might have breast cancer.
The above mentioned changes can also be seen in serious conditions that are not cancerous, such as an infection or they may occur due to presence of a cyst. It’s important to get any breast changes checked out promptly by a doctor.

Physical examination of the breast is one way to find breast cancer.
Women of all ages should make it a habit to check their breasts for any signs of breast cancer every month. The checks should be carried out for roundedness, thickness and any type of lumps. The women who check their breasts regularly know the normal feel of their breasts and any change they feel can be checked by the doctor and identify immediately for peace of mind.

  • Breasts should be checked about one week after your period.
  • The skin of breasts is pressed firmly with the pads of your fingers. Left hand is moved over right breast in a circle. All the surrounding area is checked all over including the armpit.
  • Now left breast is checked with the right hand in the same way.
  • One should also look at breasts in a mirror to look for any changes in them and how do they look normally.

If there is presence of any lumps, thickenings or other changes, the doctor is informed right away. Breast cancer may be treated if it is found early and with the help of right treatment.

Prevention is always better than cure and in case of breast cancer, knowing the indicator signs of breast cancer are very important. Generally women look for lumps as a warning sign of breast cancer but it is important to understand that there are many other signs and symptoms which can refer the presence of this disease. In many cases presence of a rash and change of skin color to redness and thick skin also indicate towards breast cancer and should be checked by a doctor. The unusual discharge of milk from breasts for women who do not breast feed is also a sign of breast cancer.

Warning Signs of Brain Cancer

Brain is the central processing unit of the human body. Brain is a soft, spongy mass of tissue. It is protected by the bones of the skull. Watery fluid called cerebrospinal fluid which is there to cushion the brain. Since there are spaces present in the brain mass, this fluid flows through those spaces which are called ventricles. The brain controls memory and learning, senses (hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch), and on. It also controls other parts of the body, including muscles, organs, and blood vessels.

Just like the other body parts of human body, our brain can also develop cancer sites. Brain cancer can also be named as brain tumor. Since brain tumor is a life-threatening condition, it is important to understand its early warning signs. If brain tumor is accurately diagnosed in its initial stage, then it can be cured through appropriate treatments.

Brain cancer is caused by the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the brain. These cells are the cancer cells which disturb the normal functioning of the brain. Brain cancers can be benign or malignant.

Tumors which are not the by-product of any other type of tumor but start in the brain are called primary brain tumors. There are many types of primary brain tumors which are there depending on the sort of cells involved, from case to case basis. Major types of the brain tumor are:

Pineoblastoma, Astrocytoma, Ependymoblastoma, Ependymoma, Medulloblastoma, Neuroblastoma, Oligodendroglioma, Brain stem glioma, Aacoustic Neuroma and Meningioma

In some cases the actual site of the tumor is not brain, the tumor may start somewhere else such as in lungs, intestines etc. , the tumor cells from these sites spread and travel to brain. These are called metastatic brain tumors.

Metastatic tumors cannot be graded as primary brain tumors and there are certain reasons attached to that. Metastatic tumors contain the same name of the cancer that infects the brain also called the primary or basic cancer. For example, if bone cancer has spread to the brain in some case, the cancer will be called asmetastatic bone cancer because the cells in the secondary tumor (in the form of brain cancer) resemble abnormal bone cells, not bad brain cells.

The signs of brain cancer appear when there is damage of vital tissues, due to increased pressure on the brain as brain is enclosed in a limited space in the skull. A condition called oedema may also occur in which there is swelling and fluid accumulation around the tumor. If a brain tumor grows very slowly, its symptoms may not appear for some time.

There are many diagnosis procedures for brain cancer which include overall health condition; it also includes a neurologic examination of the brain, check for brain and mental alertness, muscle strength of brain and body, coordination between brain and organs, reflexes of the body and its response to pain. Eyes are specially checked thoroughly to detect any swelling caused by the tumor because brain tumor usually presses on the nerve between the brain and the eye.

There are many factors taken into account for the treatment of the secondary brain tumor. These include the age of the patient and health, the response to the already given treatment, where and how the brain cancer was started and the level of the spread of the cancer in brain.

For the diagnosis, a pathologist examines the brain’s affected tissue through a microscope. An MRI is conducted to see the spread of the cancer and its speed of spread however it may also be done to determine if the cancer cells have been completely removed after the surgery. Different other tests are also conducted to exactly establish the grad and the level of the tumor before conducting any surgery.

Any kind of abnormality, ranging from a slight behavioral change to blurred vision should be given importance.
Headaches that tend to be worse in the morning and ease during the day are the commonest features. Anyone with these symptoms should see a doctor as soon as possible. Only a doctor can diagnose and treat the problem.


Signs of Bone Cancer

Signs of Bone Cancer

There have been years when the knowledge regarding cancer was not readily available to masses and it was still taken as the untreatable deadly disease. Well still cancer of any type is a horrific medical condition but getting the knowledge about the type of cancer is what makes the whole procedure smoother and effective. The signs of bone cancer are what we will talk in this post and we will also look into the simple way of avoiding the causes which lead to bone cancer. First we should look into the working of the cancer itself, what it is and how it is developed.

Since we have the knowledge that our bodies are made up of cells which add together and form tissues and these tissues add up to form our body organs.

There is constant process of old and effete cells being replaced by the freshly created ones. Because of a host of different reasons this process is altered and the new cells just keep on being added while the old ones do not die and disappear forming a tumor or growth.

This tumor maybe benign, benign tumors are seldom life threatening and do not spread to other parts of the body, once cured they have little chance of reappearing.

Malignant tumors on the other hand invade neighboring cells, spread across to other parts of the body through the blood vessels or the lymphatic system. Chances of a malignant tumor resurfacing after being cured from its primary location are there as it is difficult to track to which other part of the body the cancer cells have lodged and infected.

Bone cancer is the second most common form of tumors that is found in children and young people aged between 10-20 years. Causes of bone cancer are still largely unknown. Secondary bone tumors are always evolving as a result of primary Caner in other organ.

Signs and Symptoms of Bone Cancer

•    The most common symptom of bone cancer is pain. The most frequent part of the body to experience such pain is the knee. Sometimes this pain increases at night or with increased activity
•    Other indications include stiffness and swelling of the joint if the cancer happens to be located nearby
•    Brittleness of bones, resulting in fractures due to slight falls
•    Weight loss and increase in feelings of being tired

The bones are often the place where from the metastases in the primary tumors such as lungs and breasts occur. Primary bone tumors are relatively rare. Initially pain in the affected areas is not constant and occurs during the night or while walking. However with the passage of time the pain becomes constant. Because of pain and swelling the movements maybe restricted and may result in lameness. In case of deep and nagging pains in the bones for prolonged periods, sometimes resulting in insomnia and which does not connect with any activity and expert medical opinion should be sought at the earliest if the situation persists.

Signs of Bladder Cancer

Signs of Bladder Cancer

Cancer is a word which has horror attached to it. We have been listening to all the tragic stories attached to the disease cancer in general. Knowing the signs of bladder cancer is what we will do in this post and we will learn how we can take few protective measures to avoid the bad medical conditions attached to bladder cancer. First we will see the cause of occurring of any type of cancer.

We all know that our bodies are made up of cells which add together to make tissues and a lot many tissues make the organs of our body. There is continues process of building and destroying of cells in our body. New cells take the place of old cells and keep our organs work in efficient manner. The bad cells which continue to add up without getting destroyed are the cells of cancer. Since these cancer cells do not get destroyed, continue to accumulate and create a tumor or abnormal growth. The tumors are of two types Malignant or Benign:

Malignant Tumors are the ones which have the tendency to infect neighboring good cells and convert them into cancer cells. These cells travel through the blood and lymphatic vessels and generate a spread of cancer cells which is called metastasis.

On the other hand the Benign tumor cells do not infect the good neighboring cells hence do not spread and are not life threatening. These types of tumors can be removed and once removed they do not occur again.

Common Signs of Bladder Cancer:
The most common sign of bladder cancer is the change in the bladder habits evidenced by the increased frequency of urination. However, this may also be due to the effects of diabetes.

The urge to urinate without successful passing of it, or blood in the urine should be cause for much serious concern and subsequent investigation. Blood in the urine may not be visible as such to the patient. However, it may appear to the patient through the naked eye that the color of urine has changed to orange, brown or dark brown. Laboratory testing will confirm the presence of blood in the urine.

Changes in the color of the urine calls for an immediate examination to determine its’ causes. As the indications are non-specific the doctors will thoroughly investigate to make a correct diagnosis.

Risk Factors
People who have already had bladder cancer have a greater likelihood that they may develop this condition again. Younger people are very unlikely to develop this condition. Studies have shown smokers are two to three times more likely to fall victim to bladder cancer.

Workers in the rubber, chemicals and leather industry are exposed to particles at their workplace which may be carcinogens or cancer causing agents. So also hairdressers, metal workers printers, textile workers and truck drivers.

Getting infected with certain tropical parasites mean that you may develop bladder cancer at any later stage if the infection is not properly treated. These parasites are usually endemic in tropical regions.

A cancer treating drug Cyclophosphamide or arsenic also causes bladder cancer. Males are more likely to contract this condition while whites are more susceptible and make up of a large portion of the patient population.

Family history of bladder cancer also increases your chances of getting this condition.

However, it must be said that the some people who are exposed to the risk factors do not get this condition while others who maybe far removed from these factors end up with this illness. The key to getting a proper cure is in knowing the signs of bladder cancer in time which not only decreases the treatment cycle of the disease but also save you from the painful treatment procedures and money spent on these procedures.

First Sign of Lung Cancer

First Sign of Lung Cancer

Knowing the first sign of lung cancer or any other type of cancer is surely the first step towards curing cancer. For getting to know the signs of lung cancer, we should first look into knowing what cancer is? And what are the conditions which make the disease to occur?
The basic building block in our bodies is the cell which makes up tissue and many tissues make up an organ. Fresh cells are made up as old cells die and are replaced with new cells. The cancer cells just keep on multiplying without the older cells dying and being replaced. These extra cells begin to amass and form a tumor or growth.

Tumors can be benign or malignant type. Benign tumors do not branch out to other parts of the body. Benign tumors are rarely life threatening and do not re-occur once removed. Malignant tumors on the other hand invade and infect nearby cells and can travel to other parts of the body through the blood stream or lymphatic vessels. This spread is called metastasis.

Lung cancer is a widespread condition and the fact that it is already in its advance stages when it is finally diagnosed makes the situation even more alarming.

The signs and symptoms like wheezing shortness of breath and cough are similar to many other diseases e.g. tuberculosis. Especially for the vast majority of its victims who happen to be tobacco smokers, exposed to asbestos, air pollution, passive smoking or air pollution any of the below signs and symptoms for a prolonged period of time warrants a thorough medical examination.

Following are some of the signs of lung cancer:

•    Excessive fatigue
•    Deteriorating breathlessness
•    Chronic cough
•    Weight loss & loss of appetite
•    Hoarseness
•    Wheezing
•    Pyrexia cause of which cannot be diagnosed (fever with shivering)
•    Chest pains

About one fourth of the patients have already experienced any or all of the above signs only to have ignored them. Eventually they may seek expert medical advice when they see blood appearing during coughing episodes. By this time it may already be too late, diminishing the chances of a possible cure.

Constant generalized body pains, sudden bouts of breathlessness with depression and fatigue for prolonged periods of time call for immediate check up to confirm the existence of lung cancer. Even if the cancer is diagnosed in the early stages the five year survival rate for patients is less than 15%.

Vast majority of the population of underdeveloped countries living and working in poor environmentally healthy conditions make them susceptible to many diseases. Lack of education and information further exacerbates an already difficult situation. Proper medical diagnosis is an even more remote possibility.

Even in developed societies people do not have enough medical knowledge to be wary of the symptoms and get a medical check up to rule out the occurrence of lung cancer. The other major reason hampering early detection in this environment is paucity of time. Again the fundamental reason is lack of sufficient knowledge to take the first sign of lung cancer seriously.